Instruction for group registration
Please follow the instructions below for group registration:
1. You must sign up in IST'2024 website and select "group registration". You can go to Registration Guideline in case of need for help.
2- Go to the “send documents” menu and upload your organization letter in your main panel.
3- Click “choose file” and upload your letter file in PDF or Image format.
4. Please wait for your letter to be verified by the website administrator.
5. After the website administrators approve your documents,you can see the below page.
6. After verification, you must click on the "companions (guests)" and enter the requested information of your companions.
7. A pop-up will be opened when you click on "Add Companion”.
8. Enter the requested information. Note that national code number and mobile number are mandatory fields, if anybody wants to participate in a workshop.
9. Aafter adding information of your companions, click on the "Services" menu on the left side.
10. You can see your companions and services list, there. Select each companion and click on his/her favorite workshops. Then save it.
Director of ITU Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB)
Title of Speech: AI Standardization in ITU - Current Activities and Future Plans
The president of the University of Dubai
Title of Speech: Disruptive Technology in the 4th Industrial Revolution and Beyond
Sharif University of Technology
Title of Speech: Towards All-Quantum Internet Communication Systems and Networks
Qatar University
Title of Speech: Security Enhancements for 5G Wireless Networks
Sharif University of Technology
Title of Speech: Role of AI and Large Language Models in Telecom Evolution
Istanbul Technical University, Computer Engineering Department, Istanbul, Turkiye
Title of Speech: On the Complex Discrete Wavelet Transform of Nonstationary Complex Signals Within Stroke Research Context
Paper Submission Deadline
2024-08-15Paper Submission Deadline
2024-08-25Notification Of Acceptance
2024-09-15Early Registration Deadline