Saturday, 27 July 2024  

Extension of the deadline for submitting articles

Due to the frequent requests of researchers and authors of articles and with the approval of the Technical Program committee of the symposium, the deadline for submitting articles has been extended to August 15, 1403.

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Publication of selected papers in scientific journals

Publication of selected papers in scientific journals

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Inclusion in IEEE Xplore Digital Library

Inclusion in IEEE Xplore Digital Library

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Dr. Seizo Onoe

Director of ITU Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB)Title of Speech: AI Standardization in ITU - Current Activities and Future Plans

مدیر دفتر استانداردسازی مخابرات ITU (TSB) عنوان سخنرانی: استانداردسازی هوش مصنوعی در ITU - فعالیت های جاری و برنامه های آینده
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